
TU 10.41.41-001-77088991-2020

Granulated husk are manufactured according to TU (Technical Specifications).

It is possible to use the husk for the production of feed yeast, as well as adding it in crushed form to coarse feeds in animal husbandry.

Sunflower husk, due to its high content of protein and vitamins, is considered one of the most valuable and relatively cheap feed for farm animals. The use of sunflower waste in animal fattening allows you to effectively increase the productivity of animals and at the same time reduce the consumption of nutrients.


Animal feed with the use of sunflower husk makes it possible to obtain feed with high quality properties, with a specific cost of 4.5 times lower, energy consumption at reception of 2.7 times lower.

The convenient transportability and storage of husk is ensured by its granulation, which makes it possible to increase its bulk mass by 5-6 times. The husk compaction occurs due to its crushing as a result of plastic and elastic deformation.


Crude protein share


Fat share


Crude fiber share


At the first stage, the seeds are cleaned of impurities using special equipment: separators, stone collectors, aspirators.

Mechanical cleaning involves sifting the seed mass through sieves that differ in the size and shape of the holes.

Also, the seeds are blown with a stream of air, sifting out empty ones with a light weight and cleaned of metal impurities using a magnet.

In preparation for oil extraction, sunflower seeds are crushed in the crumbling section of the plant.

Kernels are separated from the husk.

The husk separated from the seeds is transported through the husk pipeline to the storage hopper of the granulation workshop.

The shop carries out the production of agricultural pellets using a granulator by in-line compression of husk to the granule diameter of 8 mm.

Test method
  Mass fraction of protein, absolutely dry matter, % 5.7
GOST R 54191-2010 Bulk density, kg/m3
Dry condition
Operating condition


  Diameter, mm 8
  Length, mm 4-25

GOST 32975.3-2014

Mass fraction of total moisture in the working condition of the fuel, % 10.27
GOST 32988-2014 Ash content, %
Dry condition
Operating condition

GOST 147-2014 Upper heating value, MJ/kg (kcal/kg), not less:
Dry fuel
Operating fuel
Conventional fuel weight

19.57 (4685)
17.56 (4204)
20.26 (4850)
GOST 147-2014 Net calorific value for operating fuel, MJ/kg (kcal/kg), not less 16.13 (3863)
GOST R 54216 (ISO 29541-2010) Mass fraction of total nitrogen(N), % VC/mg/kg 0.65 /6500

GOST R 54215 (ISO 19579-2010)

Mass fraction of total sulfur(S), % VC/mg/kg 0.070 /700
GOST R 54215 (ISO 19579-2010) Mass fraction of total chlorine (Cl),% VC/mg/kg  
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